Blog Article

Current and ex-Members of the Armed Forces Wanted!

Current and ex-Members of the Armed Forces Wanted!

Come and join the Centre for Military Gambling Research’s Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP)

• Are you, or have you been, a member of HM Armed Forces?
• Has your gambling caused you any problems, difficulties, or harms?
• Are you interested in shaping research around military-related gambling?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to all these questions, you might be interested in becoming a member of the Centre’s Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP), which we are setting up now - in parallel with the Centre’s launch.

You would be helping us to put together our research programme, contributing your ideas and using your experiences, to make sure that we are focusing on asking the right questions. We think that together we can produce better research – you have lived through the experience, and so you are better placed to know what the problems are and how to deal with them. Therefore, working together, and learning from each other can only lead to more meaningful work.

We also think that it’s important to work in solidarity with people with lived experience – we know that you are the most powerful advocates for social and political change. The harms that you’ve experienced because of gambling, the knock-on effects on your family, friends and loved ones, needs to be challenged. We want the work that we do together to be part of that challenge.

If you are interested in joining us, check out our Lived Experience page for more information. There is also an Information Pack, a Register of Interest form, and you can also email us directly at: for an informal chat, or if you want to ask us anything further.

Date: 7 May 2024